The Monster Is Closing In On My Heaven

February 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Have you ever found "your heaven" and happiness destroyed by true sincere fear? Have you ever felt, even known someone to chase you, track you through life with others... called "Paranoid" and called "crazy"? Also naive, and now far too aware. Told that your "imagination is wild". On top of that have you ever had a "group" or "family" of people work together on "PROTECTING A SECRET"... yet "keeping you at bay", or potential dead is far greater in their favor... YET YOU ARE STILL CALLED CRAZY!!! EVEN...EVEN... when you tell the police, call the fbi, let others know, have so many experiences, true to life experiences and others too, who would stand up in court...
Let me ask this... have you ever found yourself upset because when you get alerts of child molesters & pedophiles in your area... that there are sadly FAR TOO MANY not listed because...
1. Poor Laws
2. Poor Reporting
3. Fear. Victims scared to tell.
4. Intimidation. 1 or more persons causing immediate concern for ones (often the victim/survivor) safety. Be it simple presence in the area "known"... be it a harassing call or text on the phone.
5. Legal states "if no crime broken, nothing can be done."
6. The fear of opening your door and being killed.

The list goes on and on. The Monster is Closing In On My Heaven, and even if I try and explain... no one seems to truly hear me.
The conflict is far too much to even reach a love that I was given. Like the city buildings under these clouds and darkness... I too feel consumed by this predator.

Z: 2.26.16 | I: 9.29.15


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